A method is born to provide an effective response to imbalances in the body and their prevention.
Our busy lifestyle, continuous stress, spoiled nutrition - all these cause stressful situations in the body's tissues, which at best manifest in weakness and lack of vitality as a result of a lack of vitamins and end up in severe cases of chronic diseases.
This method of infusing vitamins directly into a vein has already gained momentum in the US and Europe.
The infusion goes directly into the bloodstream and produces a feeling of alertness, energy, and a better general feeling after the treatment and weeks after.
Unlike vitamins and capsules, the vitamins by infusion reach the blood system in their entirety without passing through the digestive system.
Infusion consists of a salt solution rich in vitamins such as amino acids, omega 3 and 6, vitamin B complex, zinc, magnesium, and glutathione, tailored specifically to the patient.
Glutathione, for example, is one of the most important and powerful antioxidants in the body, and it is involved in several essential processes in our body.
It protects the body from free radicals and helps detoxify, including environmental pollutants such as heavy metals (these may reach us, for example, from using aluminum foil) and drugs that sink in the liver. It binds to toxins and pulls them out of the body through the lymphatic system.
Glutathione deficiency and exposure to toxins impair the body's ability to clear them. Glutathione neutralizes free radicals and prevents further damage to body cells, protects against infections, and fights autoimmune diseases and chronic inflammation.
It plays a crucial role in the process of detoxifying the liver and reducing the damage to fatty liver disease.
Glutathione supports the immune system by promoting optimal function of the white blood cells. It is involved in repairing damaged DNA and maintaining the integrity of our genetic material which is essential for maintaining healthy cells and preventing mutations that can lead to chronic diseases and even cancer.
Recent studies show that a good level of glutathione in the body is associated with longevity as it helps protect cells from age-related damage and degeneration.
And skin matters of course:
A combination of vitamin C in glutathione infusion is excellent for the facial skin and is a perfect antioxidant and treats pigmentation of all types.
It maintains skin elasticity, reduces wrinkles, and various skin inflammations, promotes collagen production, and maintains balance in cases of acne of all types.
The skin will look cleaner, brighter, healthy, and balanced.
It all starts inside
*The information and contents on the website and in this post do not constitute a medical opinion or a medical substitute for a consultation with a doctor, any medical material appearing on this website is informative only and should not be considered in any way medical advice and/or a recommendation for medical treatment and/or a substitute for medical treatment.