As the center of control over our body, whose functions include keeping our heart beating, our lungs breathing, and keeping us moving and constantly thinking, it would be but right to keep the mind healthy, strong, and at its peak.
The food we eat to keep the brain in a healthy state can definitely improve mental roles like memory and concentration.
Below is an overview of 10 foods that are considered the most beneficial food for the brain according to neurologists and brain researchers.
1. Fatty fish like high-quality sardines and salmon, herring, caviar- they are all rich in omega 3 fatty acids. 60% of our brain is made up of fat with half of it being omega 3.
The brain uses omega 3 to build nerve cells in the brain and therefore these acids are essential for the process of learning and memory.
They are good for preventing depression, reducing the chances of Alzheimer's in old age, and concentrating at a higher level.
Studies show that people who eat fatty fish regularly, increase the gray part of their brain - the part that contains most of the nerve cells, the decision-making center, memory, and emotions.
Studies have shown that people who consumed 4 grams of DHA fatty acids had 70% less dementia.
2. Blueberries and other fruits that range on the scale from red (like pomegranate, strawberry, raspberry) to black (like black raspberry) contain a large and good amount of antioxidants that are essential for our body to fight free radicals. They are excellent anti-inflammatory drugs, fighting cell oxidation which is created as a result of stress and brain aging. So in neurodegenerative diseases.
They have been found to aid in intercellular communication in the brain. They improve memory and various cognitive processes in children and adults.
3. Turmeric. The active part of curcumin, curcumin, appears to cross the blood-brain barrier; This means it has a direct effect on brain cells. It is an antioxidant and an excellent anti-inflammatory. Studies have shown that it improves memory in Alzheimer's patients.
Turmeric increases the production of serotonin and dopamine - both of which are responsible for our mood.
Studies have shown that it improves symptoms of depression and anxiety when taken close to conventional treatment in people diagnosed with clinical depression.
4. Broccoli. A powerful vegetable that contains a large number of antioxidants. Contains a high amount of vitamin K that provides more than 100% of daily intake. This vitamin, soluble in essential fat and reaches directly to the brain cells.
A study in adults shows a high presence of vitamin K in the body was documented in people with better memory and improved cognitive functions.
Protects the brain from age damage.
5. Dark chocolate. The reference here is to chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa solids. Full of essential antioxidants - flavonoids. These specific antioxidants appeared to be concentrated in the brain in the areas of learning and memory. Studies show that this compound slows down the aging process of the brain.
A specific study shows that people who ate chocolate more often showed better performance on tasks that required memory, than people who did not consume chocolate.
In addition, it boosts mood - people who ate chocolate regularly expressed better positive emotions than those who did not.
6. Nuts. Studies show that eating nuts improve heart health. Heart health is directly related to brain health.
Some research has shown that a handful of nuts reduces the risk of declining cognitive skills in adults.
Another study from 2014 showed that women who ate nuts regularly over several years gained a sharper memory than women who did not eat.
Certain nutrients in nuts like healthy fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamin E, explain the benefits of nuts in favor of brain health.
Vitamin E protects cells from the damage of free radicals and helps slow down mental deterioration.
Walnuts, in particular, are especially full of vitamin E, essential fatty acids like omega 3, and anti-inflammatory.
7. Eggs. An excellent source of nutrients that call for brain health - including vitamin 6B and 12B, folic acid, and choline.
Choline is an important micronutrient for the body to produce acetylcholine - a neurotransmitter that helps regulate memory and mental function.
Many people in the general population do not get enough choline in their diet. Eating eggs is the fastest and best way to get choline - which gives the yellow color to the egg yolk.
In addition, the B vitamins found in eggs play an important role in brain and nervous system health.
They slow down the mental decline in adults by reducing the amount of homocysteine (an amino acid associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s).
Decreased folic acid is common in adults with dementia and studies show that dietary folic acid supplementation has demented adult mental skills in adults.
Vitamin 12B, in addition, synthesizes chemicals in the brain and regulates the amount of sugar in the brain.
8. Green leaves. Spinach, kale, and lettuce have been found in studies to inhibit the development of diseases like cancer and diabetes due to their anti-inflammatory properties.
A new study from the University of Illinois has found that spinach, kale, and other greens also have a beneficial effect on our brains.
The study found that lutein - the pigment found in leafy vegetables helps maintain cognitive function and sharpness of thought at later ages. Lutein is a yellow-orange pigment of plant origin from the carotenoid family that is also known for its contribution to reducing the risk of heart disease, blindness, and certain types of cancer. They also slow down the aging process, reduce diabetes-related complications and improve lung function. The highest amounts of lutein were found in kale and spinach. Lutein accumulates in the brain and plays a protective role. It supports the structure and function of neural membranes and aids in cognitive functions based on these neural membranes.
Studies have shown that men and women with high levels of lutein were more successful in intelligence tests and found more gray matter in the cerebral cortex - a part that plays an important role in coding and memory.
9. Coconut oil. Because oil has a very unique combination of fatty acids it has many profound effects on our health. The unique combination of fatty acids allows for a rapid transition from the digestive system to the liver and serves as a rapid source of energy that has also rapidly affected brain disorders such as epilepsy and Alzheimer’s. The lauric acid found in coconut oil helps kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi and helps fight off various infections in the body.
In Alzheimer's disease, the brain cells lose the ability to utilize glucose as fuel.
Ketones - Ingredients that are products of the breakdown of fatty acids, especially medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil, can be used as a substitute and thus return to good brain cell function. Studies do show neurological improvement in diseases like epilepsy and a slight improvement in Alzheimer's patients.
10. Avocado. Fruit is especially healthy for the nervous system in general and the brain in particular, thanks to a large amount of essential fatty acids it contains.
Eating avocados helps maintain the level of cholesterol and fats in the blood. Avocados also contain a lot of vitamins and minerals (for example iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin A) and also protein.
It contains a high amount of potassium which is needed to send information through nerve cells, essential for the process of muscle contraction and its ability to prevent calcium from escaping from the body.
A study conducted in 2013 showed that adequate consumption of potassium helps reduce blood pressure and prevents heart attacks and strokes.
Reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels. So rich in vitamins E, C, B, A, and K. Dietary fiber, potassium as mentioned, and folic acid that help maintain heart health and normal blood pressure.
In conclusion, what we eat is very significant, and we are in fact - what we eat. Brain researcher and author of the book Brain Food, Dr. Lisa Mosconi, concludes the topic with the short sentence "More diet than destiny".
In addition, it is important to remember that since the brain is mostly composed of fluids, one should be careful to drink plenty of warm water to ensure their good absorption in the body.
Even the slightest dehydration of the body causes neurological symptoms such as lack of concentration, fatigue, dizziness, and more.
Wishing you Good health,
* The information and content on the site and in this post do not constitute a medical opinion or medical substitute for consulting a doctor, any medical material appearing on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be considered in any way medical advice and/or recommendation for medical treatment and/or substitute for medical treatment.