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Beneficial Nutrition for Facial Skin - Part 2

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

If you have not read the first part, there you go


Beer yeast is a unicellular plant from the fungus family. Beer yeast is very rich in essential amino acids that the body does not produce on its own, a good source of B vitamins, especially B12 which is commonly found in animal foods. Does not contain fats. It contains iron, potassium, zinc, and phosphorus. They are known as blood purifiers and participate in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins and are therefore excellent for diabetics or those suffering from high cholesterol. Helps in the functioning of the nervous system (B vitamins) and therefore helps with sleep, nervousness, and fatigue. Support acne treatment. They have a delicate taste of Parmesan cheese and are therefore a great substitute for vegans.


Glutamine is an amino acid necessary for the proper functioning of many processes that take place in our body. It makes up about 60% of the protein in the muscles and serves as a key component in the mucous tissue in the gut. Pure glutamine powder contains 100% amino acid L-Pure glutamine as the most common amino acid in the body, it participates in the most metabolic processes of any other amino acid. It is mostly stored in the skeletal muscles and from there it is transported through the blood to the tissues of the digestive system, to the liver, to the kidneys, to the cells of the immune system, and to the brain. Excellent for conditions of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, leaky gut, and low-protein diet.

Normal Intestinal Microbiome > Normal Brain Microbiome > Normal Skin Microbiome


Good bacteria help maintain a proper balance of the gut microbiome. Improves digestive processes, helps reduce abdominal bloating, helps break down nutrients in food, helps maintain a strong immune system.


The bright orange color is given to the turmeric plant from its active ingredients - curcuminoids, headed by curcumin.

In Indian medicine, Ayurveda, turmeric is used to treat coughs, sinusitis, and respiratory problems. In anorexia, diabetes, liver disease, and wound healing.

According to Chinese medicine, turmeric is considered warming, stimulating, and dehydrating plant. Great for balancing and strengthening the liver and gallbladder. Curcumin has a very high antioxidant capacity that strengthens and enhances the immune system and protects DNA molecules from destruction: oxidative damage can cause changes in the genetic sequence and, therefore, significantly increase the chance of developing cancer cells and various genetic defects.

In addition, studies attribute turmeric to kidney protection. Curcumin has been shown to encourage the production of special proteins that protect the kidneys.

Also, due to being a powerful antioxidant it works to preserve cognitive abilities in old age and relieve symptoms of chronic intestinal inflammation (colitis).

For optimal absorption, it is recommended to combine turmeric with a little olive oil.


Biotin, also called vitamin H, B7, or B8 is a water-soluble vitamin from the B vitamin family. Biotin is an essential component for the synthesis of fatty acids and amino acids and is therefore essential for skin cells.

Biotin is found mainly in the liver, dairy products, yeast, and egg yolk. The deficiency of this vitamin can cause hair loss, broken nails, weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, and depression.

Also found in peanuts, almonds, and walnuts. Great for maintaining healthy and balanced skin and hair.


The root of a plant is called intoxicating wheat. Very common in Indian medicine. An adaptogenic plant, very helpful in situations of stress, tension, and pressure. Helps recovery after trauma and speeds up mental and physical recovery.

Strengthens the immune system, regulates thyroid activity, strengthens muscles, increases muscle mass and physical abilities. Hormonal balance and increases libido.

Improves and elevates mood and is effective in situations of mental weakness. Supports and restores the nervous system, relaxes and allows quality sleep, great for treating anemia, contains iron and various minerals, and even improves the absorption of iron from food. Body and mind balance.

Good health wishes, yours, Inbal


* The information and content on the website and in this post do not constitute a medical opinion or a medical substitute for consulting a doctor. Any medical material appearing on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice and/or a recommendation for medical treatment and/or a substitute for medical treatment in any way.

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